638 vehicles for sale
Cars UGUsed cars in KampalaToyota for saleUsed Land Cruiser2002 Toyota Land Cruiser Amazon
Price  USh 30m
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Toyota Land Cruiser Amazon
400,000 km mileage
Finance: Available
Tv in seats
New tyres
Old but good
Browsing History
More from Private Sellers

Seller Information
Private Deal Uganda
Private Deal
Kampala, Uganda
Always beware of fraud and do not pay for a vehicle before viewing it!
For more information please contact the seller directly by telephone or by completing the form below.
Vehicle owner \ seller Peter Bowser
Seller phone number(+256) 75 777 57 75

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For more information please contact the seller directly by telephone or by completing the form below.

Used car dealers in Uganda for Toyota Land Cruiser Amazon - Land Cruiser Amazon cars for sale in Uganda - Toyota cars Kampala - used cars Land Cruiser Amazon in Uganda - Kampala Toyota cars - Buy a car in Uganda - Toyota car sales Uganda - Find a Land Cruiser Amazon car sale in Kampala - Second hand Toyota cars Uganda - Pre-owned Land Cruiser Amazon for sale in Kampala - used vehicles in Uganda - Old cars to buy in Uganda - secondhand Land Cruiser Amazon cars in Uganda - Second hand Toyota cars for sale in Uganda - buying a car in Uganda - second hand cars in Uganda - Pre-used vehicles for sale Uganda - Land Cruiser Amazon used car in Uganda - Toyota cars sold in Uganda - second-hand vehicles Uganda
Cars UGUsed cars in KampalaToyota for saleUsed Land Cruiser2002 Toyota Land Cruiser Amazon